Monday, September 1, 2008

As your State Representative, I am committed to ...

Jobs and Economic Development - Working for a healthy economy. By attracting new and and innovative businesses, and helping our small businesses to thrive and expand, Maine can create well-paying jobs and offer good opportunitites to our young people.

Quality Education - Investment in our public schools, particularly our colleges and universities, is the foundation upon which to build a healthy economy. We must provide our citizens with the tools needed to compete in the 21st century.

Environment - Maine has a unique opportunity to develop and invest in improved energy efficiencies and to explore alternative energy sources. Not only will advanced technologies help to protect Maine's beautiful environment, but they will stimulate economic development by creating new jobs.

Taxes - I will work toward restructuring our tax system and reducing the tax burden on citizens and employers by seeking government efficiencies and private/public partnerships.

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